Looked at the mountains every day from the hotel room and the drive in to work. It snowed a couple of times we were there and the north of Tehran ground to a halt. Had it all set to ski Tochall on my last day but I messed up my workload and didn't get the day ..... I was only there once (about 25 years ago) and rather doubt that the lift still operates, although there are still signpost to skilifts in Bernau. Maybe Samerberg Sue and I'll have to explore again next winter. ...
Seitdem ist ein engagiertes Team um Fahrtwind, einem Mountainbike Reiseveranstalter vom Samerberg beschäftigt das Ziel umzusetzen. Alle Helfer sind ehrenamtlich, die aus Begeisterung für ihren Sport und an der Natur diese Strecke ...
I must say my little "vacation" from them lasted longer than usual this time. I even got creative with a... Vor 1 Tag. "pinceladas de arte ? PODRIA SER....... - Jornadas Infancia y Objetivos del Milenio: propuestas y retos para la ...